Novo leto, novi poslovni izzivi. Ker je angleščina mednarodno priznana kot najbolje razširjen poslovni jezik – več kot 1 milijarda ljudi na svetu namreč govori angleško – se lahko v novo leto podate bogatejši za naslednjih 10 uporabnih angleških poslovnih fraz in izrazov:
1. A slice of the pie
Pomen: Delež pri nečem, recimo dobičku.
Primer: The projects is a money-making success and now everyone one wants a slice of the pie.
2. To have deep pockets
Pomen: Imeti veliko denarja.
Primer: He can afford to finance this projects because he has deep enough pockets.
3. Get your foot in the door
Pomen: Zagrabiti majhno priložnost, ki lahko v preteklosti pripelje do večje priložnosti.
Primer: “All I want right now is to get my foot in the door – next year, I might be the one leading that project.”
4. I need it yesterday
Pomen: Neformalni način za to, da povemo, da nekaj potrebujemo takoj.
Primer: “When do you need that report?” “I need it yesterday!”
5. Put your cards on the table
Pomen: Biti popolnoma iskren.
Primer: “I think it’s time to put all of our cards on the table. What we need right now is …” [/su_box]
6. Cash cow
Pomen: Nekaj, kar vedno prinaša dobiček in ki lahko financira tudi preostalo poslovanje podjetja.
Primer: “That product has been the company’s cash cow for years.”
7. Play hardball
Pomen: Lotiti se nečesa na resen, direkten način, brez prostora za slepomišenje.
Primer: “We cannot afford to lose this deal, so we’ll just have to start playing hardball ”
8. Sell ice to Eskimos
Pomen: Ljudi prepričati v nekaj, kar ni v njihovem najboljšem interesu, ali jih prepričati v nekaj, kar je popolnoma nepotrebno ali celo smešno.
Primer: “He’s so good at sales he could sell ice to Eskimos.”
9. Step up to the plate
Pomen: Nase prevzeti odgovornost.
Primer: “You cannot avoid this any longer. It’s time for you to step up to the plate and do it!”
10. The bottom line
Pomen: Končni rezultat.
Primer: “It may be true that the presentation could be better, but the bottom line is that we got the project.”